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L’ancien responsable de l’enqute fait face sept accusations de tentatives de meurtre. Hilton Botha et deux de ses collgues auraient ouvert le feu sur un minibus transportant sept personnes en […]
Three soldiers stop cars at the gate
Three soldiers stop cars at the gate. Judging by outward appearances, including the fluorescent yellow vest, large black belts and pistols, the only thing different about these soldiers from the […]
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Ohhh right February 4th, Kalakau Ave, Waikiki. Ohh. Coming back here realy changed something inside of me, i don feel the same, it not at all bad either! I now […]
CVF Media TeamAnother example
CVF Media TeamAnother example of wasted police time. The fact is, cannabis is safer for adults to consume than alcohol, and much safer to consume than tobacco, and yet the […]